Case Report 1
Case Report 1
Case Report 1
Prior Study
Findings & Impressions
There is mild soft tissue swelling and hematoma over the left scalp. There is also a left temporal scalp hematoma with subcutaneous gas. There are displaced fractures of the left inferior wall of the orbit with herniation of orbital fat and the left inferior rectus muscle into the left maxillary sinus. The fracture line involves the left inferior orbital nerve canal. There is soft tissue gas in the preseptal soft tissues over the left eye extending into the left temporal scalp with prominent soft tissue swelling. There is a nondisplaced right nasal bone fracture and a comminuted left nasal bone fracture. There is also a mildly displaced fracture involving the anterior superior nasal septum. There is blood layering in the left maxillary sinus.
Acute displaced left inferior orbital wall fracture with herniation of the orbital fat and left inferior rectus muscle into the left maxillary sinus. There are bilateral nasal bone fractures with an anterior superior nasal septum fracture.
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