Prior Study
Findings & Impressions
Uterus: There are two distinct gestational sacs, each containing a yolk sac and fetus. Fetus A crown-rump length is 3.5 cm, consistent with a gestation of 10 weeks, 3 days. Heart rate of fetus A is 169 bpm. Fetus B crown-rump length is 3.3 cm, consistent with a gestation of 10 weeks, 2 days. Fetus B heart rate is 169 bpm. There is a perigestational hemorrhage present measuring up to 3.2 x 1.2 cm; this is just adjacent to the cervical os, and a small amount of fluid is seen within the internal os.
Right ovary: The right ovary measures 3.6 x 2.4 x 2 cm. The ovary demonstrates a normal
architecture. There is positive vascular flow.
Left ovary: The left ovary measures 2.3 x 1.6 x 0.6 cm. The ovary demonstrates a normal
architecture. There is positive vascular flow.
No evidence of an adnexal mass.
No significant free fluid in the pelvis.
Live twin pregnancy, as above. Two distinct gestational sacs are visualized.
Perigestational hemorrhage just adjacent to the cervical os with small amount of fluid
seen within the internal os.
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