P1) Non-bilious vomiting in an infant
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P2) Sudden onset chest pain and drooling in an unattended child
P3) Intermittent abdominal pain
P4) Gastrointestinal complications in a preterm infant following enteral feeding
P5) Stridor and fever in an infant
P6) Barking cough and inspiratory stridor in a child
P7) Cough, fever, and wheezing in an infant
P8) Fever and foul smelling urine in a 6-month-old
P10) Palpable abdominal mass and unexplained weight loss
P11) Palpable abdominal mass and microscopic hematuria in a child
P12) Worsening hip pain in a 12-year-old
P13) Worsening hip pain in a 5-year-old
P14) Forearm pain after fall on outstretched hand
P15) Ankle tenderness and inability to bear weight after a bicycle accident
P16) Arm pain and lethargy in an infant
P17) New-onset seizures, headache, and vomiting
P18) Knee pain and fever in an infant
P19) Worsening nocturnal knee pain
P20) Developmental delay and ataxia
P22) Forearm pain after fall
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