Pediatric Fluoroscopic Lower Gastrointestinal Series
Pediatric Fluoroscopic Lower Gastrointestinal Series
Search Pattern Assist ?History
Prior Study
KUB/Supine Abdomen. [Yes/No]
Scout Image of the abdomen
There is a large amount of stool burden. [Yes/No]
There is an NG/OG/FT tube which is malpositioned. [Yes/No]
There is an unexpected radiopaque foreign body or incidental non-surgical foreign body in the abdomen or pelvis. [Yes/No]
There are additional lines, tubes, catheters, or drains in place. (e.g. chest tubes, mediastinal drains, rectal temp probe, etc.) [Yes/No]
There is dilatation with gas or fluid of multiple or diffuse loops of bowel. [Yes/No]
​Both the small and large bowel are filled with air and/or fluid and may or may not be distended. [Yes/No]
There is a paucity of gas in the abdomen. [Yes/No]
There are centralized loops of small bowel with distention of the abdomen and pelvis. [Yes/No]
There is organomegaly. [Yes/No]
There are intra-abdominal calcifications. [Yes/No]
There is free air present. [Yes/No]
The visualized bones are abnormal. [Yes/No]
The hemidiaphragmatic excursions are inequal and nonsynchronous. [Yes/No]
There is displacement of the bowel loops. [Yes/No]
There is a soft tissue mass. [Yes/No]
An -----French straight catheter was inserted just into the rectum. [Yes/No]
An -----French straight catheter was inserted in the mucous fistula. [Yes/No]
Under fluoroscopic guidance, the rectum and colon were filled with contrast, and fluoroscopic images were obtained. [Yes/No]
The colon was filled through its entire length, confirmed by contrast filling of the appendix and reflux into terminal ileum. [Yes/No]
The colon was partially filled. [Yes/No]
The patient evacuated contrast completely and a post-evacuation overhead radiograph was obtained. [Yes/No]
The exam is limited by patient motion or non-cooperativity. [Yes/No]
There are filling defects. [Yes/No]
There are masses. [Yes/No]
There is intussusception. [Yes/No]
There are strictures or stenosis. [Yes/No]
There is a complete or a partial obstruction. [Yes/No]
There are ulcerations/mucosal abnormality. [Yes/No]
There is a fistula. [Yes/No]
Ileocecal junction position is abnormal. [Yes/No]
There is an extrinsic mass effect. [Yes/No]
Post-evacuation radiograph showed complete evacuation of the colon. [Yes/No]