Section 1

Submit Findings




​The exam is under/over penetrated. 

​The exam is limited by patient motion

​The exam is limited by exclusion of tissue

​The exam is limited by artifact

Breast Density

​There is a fibrofatty glandular pattern. 

​There is a scattered fibroglandular pattern. 

​There is a heterogeneously dense fibroglandular pattern. 

​There is an extremely dense fibroglandular pattern. 


There is a mass (masses) present.

The mass is right/left/bilateral.

​The mass is new. 

​The mass is stable. 

​The mass is low density relative to the breast tissue 

​The mass is equal density relative to the breast tissue 

The mass is high density relative to the breast tissue. 

​The mass contains fat

​The shape is round, oval, irregular.

​The calcifications are dystrophic

There are benign intramammary lymph nodes.


​The margins of the mass are circumscribed

​The margins of the mass are obscured

​The margins of the mass are indistinct

​The margins of the mass are spiculated


​There are calcifications. 

The calcifications are ​right/left/bilateral

​The calcifications are new. 

​The calcifications are stable.

​The calcifications are benign ​(vascular, coarse dystrophic, secretory, skin, milk of calcium). 

The calcifications are suspicious (amorphous, coarse heterogeneous, fine pleomorphic, fine linear, fine linear and branching).

​The calcifications are diffusely distributed.

​The calcifications are regionally distributed.

​The calcifications are grouped. 

​The calcifications are segmentally distributed.

​The calcifications are linearly distributed


​There is an asymmetry (focal, regional, global).

​The asymmetry is right/left/bilateral.

​The architectural distortion is right/left/bilateral.

Associated Features

​There is nipple retraction.

The nipple retraction is right/left/bilateral.

​There is skin thickening

The skin thickening is right/left/bilateral.


​There are morphologically abnormal lymph nodes.

The morphologically abnormal lymph nodes are right/left/bilateral.

Subareoalar Region

​There are abnormal ducts in the subareolar region. 

The abnormal ducts in the subareolar region are right/left/bilateral.

Prior Surgery

​There are implants.

​The implants are subglandular/subpectoral.

​The implants are saline/silicone.

​There are changes related to prior surgery breast reduction/lumpectomy/surgical excision.  

The changes related to prior surgery are right/left/bilateral.