Brain Infection - Pre and or post head CT
Brain Infection - Pre and or post head CT
Search Pattern Assist ?Exam
Pre and or post head CT
There is evidence of acute leptomeningitis. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of active primary pachymeningitis. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of secondary pachymeningitis associated with extension of extra cranial infections (i.e. otomastoiditis, sinusitis, parapharyngeal/skull base infections, calvarial infections, thrombophlebitis). [Yes/No]
There is evidence of complications of meningitis (subperiosteal, epidural, subdural empyema's). [Yes/No]
There is evidence of acute cerebritis. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of brain abscess(es). [Yes/No]
There is evidence of septic emboli with multicentric abscesses or micro abscesses. [Yes/No]
There may be contrast enhancement once viral infections undergo tissue necrosis. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of calvarial osteomyelitis and possible subperiosteal empyema. [Yes/No]
No other significant imaging findings are present. [Yes/No]