Head Trauma - MR flair or T2w spin echo
Head Trauma - MR flair or T2w spin echo
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2. Assess for punctate edema or microhemorrhage following white matter tracts to confirm indirect (DAI) trauma effects.
3. Assess for regional brain edema corresponding to any venous cortical vein or dural sinus thrombosis.
4. Assess for evidence of arterial stroke superimposed on the existing traumatic injuries.
5. Assess for characteristic effects of anoxia or cardiopulmonary arrest.
6. Assess for evidence of any edema or microhemorrhage related to reperfusion effects, particularly in the mesencephalon.
7. Assess for evidence of edema in the subependymal spaces related to hydrocephalus, usually the result of intracranial blood in head trauma.
MR flair or T2w spin echo
There are extraaxial or intraaxial, or intraventricular, blood products. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of brain contusion(s) or evidence of concurrent hypoxic or hypoxic ischemic (HIE) event. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of mass effect producing brain herniation(s). [Yes/No]
There are multiple sites of punctate edema or microhemorrhage within the white matter and/or along the gray-white subcortical junction consistent with brain shear acceleration-deceleration injury. [Yes/No]
There are multiple sites of punctate edema or microhemorrhage within the corpus callosum, centronuclear structures, or brainstem consistent with acceleration-deceleration microvascular injuries. [Yes/No]
There is vasogenic edema (and likely microhemorrhage) along egress pathways or cortical veins or the deep thalamostriate veins indicating venous tether injuries. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of abnormal fluid accumulation along the margin of any major artery suggesting para arterial hematoma without intimal dissection-(Denver type 1 arterial injury). [Yes/No]
There is evidence of abnormal fluid signal along the margin of any major artery with evidence of intimal flap or pseudoaneurysm confirming traumatic arterial dissection. [Yes/No]
There is cytogenic edema in a recognizable arterial perfusion zone consistent with stroke superimposed on the traumatic injuries. [Yes/No]
There is abnormal MR flair signal within the lumen of any major cortical vein or dural sinus suggesting venous egress thrombosis. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of ventriculomegaly with subependymal edema indicating hydrocephalus (likely caused by SAH, which may not be evident) or sequestered ventricles. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of concurrent abnormalities not likely related to recent brain injury. [Yes/No]