Prior Study
Findings & Impressions
There is a 1.7cm acute on chronic right hemispheric subdural hematoma which is mainly hyperdense with areas of hypodensities, concerning for hyperacute blood products with active bleeding. There is approximately 1.7cm of right to left midline shift with significant mass effect on the effaced right hemispheric sulci. There is compression of the right lateral ventricle with early entrapment of the left lateral ventricle. There is right to left subfalcine herniation and right uncal herniation with effacement of the right perimesencephalic cistern. There is also blood layering along the falx and tentorium. There is no hydrocephalus.
There is mucus thickening in the maxillary sinuses and bubbly secretions in the sphenoid sinuses and ethmoid air cells.
Acute on chronic subdural hematoma with evidence of active bleeding, measuring 1.7cm in maximal thickness, causing increasing right to left midline shift, mass effect, sulcal effacement, early entrapment of the left lateral ventricle, subfalcine herniation, and right uncal herniation.
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